New Way to be Human

Nov. 18 2004, my Mom was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer. I started this blog to chronicle her journey. July 19, 2005 she gave her life in the battle. This blog is my place to process through the journey I walked along with her, and now my journey through grief. It's also a place to discuss the effects cancer has on the lives it touches--survivors and caregivers alike. I'm a Navy wife, a Mom, and my mother's daughter now and forever.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I Don't Know What To Do Here...

I'm not sure what to do with this blog now. I started it to share my journey in dealing with my Mom's cancer. Mom is gone now. So I've sort of used it as a place to process through my thoughts about grief.

But I've found all these wonderful people in this community that isn't afraid to say real things about cancer...

I don't want this to NOT be a place to discuss cancer. I still have a good bit to say about it... but at the end of the day the thoughts that yell to be written are more about grief.

Because of these friends I've found, and the original intent of the sight, I don't want to discourage anybody. I feel like when I post I'm just a dreary reminder that sometimes people die from cancer. I want to be an encouragement. I want to give people hope.

I've thought of splitting into another blog--to make this the 'cancer place' and someplace else a 'grief place.' But that doesn't feel right either.

So I don't know what to do.

For now I'm still here... and I'll just post what comes.


  • At 5:44 AM, Blogger amanda said…

    You are being honest and showing a side of cancer that not many people think about. This is YOUR blog, and I don't think it's dreary in the capture the anger and sadness beautifully. I'm not saying "Don't branch out into other subjects," but don't feel like you have to change either...your experiences and your willingness to share them are very important...


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