New Way to be Human

Nov. 18 2004, my Mom was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer. I started this blog to chronicle her journey. July 19, 2005 she gave her life in the battle. This blog is my place to process through the journey I walked along with her, and now my journey through grief. It's also a place to discuss the effects cancer has on the lives it touches--survivors and caregivers alike. I'm a Navy wife, a Mom, and my mother's daughter now and forever.

Friday, April 28, 2006


My uncle was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The mean kind. I found out yesterday. He's already beaten Non-hodgkins Lymphoma. Now this?

And.... I fear that our dear, dear friend here in WA is near the end of his battle.

I don't feel strong enough to do this anymore. I want to support him and his wife, and I am doing the best I can to do so, but it hurts so badly. I just see all the pain before... I see faces and wonder in disbelief if another vibrant, giving, beautiful, unique life is about to gone from this earth again.

This isn't fair. This is unreal. This has to stop.

I can't do it anymore. I know that's selfish. It's happening to all these other people.

I don't want it for them either. Leave the people that we love alone!!!!


  • At 8:47 AM, Blogger KinnicChick said…

    So sorry to hear about your uncle, dear. I learned yesterday about another friend as well. And that our ACS partner is moving to a different district, which seemed more than I could deal with when we worked so well together on Relay. And so I hand out more navigator cards from ACS and more support the only way I know how. I keep running and raising money. I keep working toward June 16 and our next Relay... And I keep hounding the Senators to continue funding of the important bills that will pay for mammograms and colonoscopies and other screening tests... because aside from that I'm helpless.

    The disease is a bastard. It leaves people like sweet pea frightened and alone and in so much pain. People that we love. All we can do is keep praying (I'm adding you to my inspiration list, sweet pea dear). Hang in there, luv. It sucks beyond measure to have yet another loved one suffering. You and your uncle are in my thoughts. (email me his first name and I'll add him to my list and run for him as well, and anyone else you'd like).

    Much love,

  • At 9:11 PM, Blogger Kerry said…

    I know sometimes it seems cancer is all consuming...I was reading your blog..and Had to say I have had non hodgkins three times since Sept of 1997 stage 4 and am in full remission for the first time almost 5 years.. Its hard to watch loved ones go through it..But No matter what we have to fight what we can..Your friend is so blessed to have support and others who care around them.
    I hate cancer to the doubt at all about that.


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