New Way to be Human

Nov. 18 2004, my Mom was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer. I started this blog to chronicle her journey. July 19, 2005 she gave her life in the battle. This blog is my place to process through the journey I walked along with her, and now my journey through grief. It's also a place to discuss the effects cancer has on the lives it touches--survivors and caregivers alike. I'm a Navy wife, a Mom, and my mother's daughter now and forever.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Addendum to previous post....

Thinking further about that last post.

Can you imagine how many screening tests I should legitimately have done with a history like that???

I mean... I could probably spend weeks just getting screenings done every year--not to downplay the importance of doing so.

I oughta have my skin inspected, various crevices and orifices probed and scraped, blood drawn, lumps palpated, torso x-rayed, and boobs mashed.

This could get exhausting!


  • At 7:41 AM, Blogger amanda said…

    "boobs mashed"?!?


  • At 6:13 PM, Blogger Minerva said… your language...*grin*


    And yes, but we CAN'T live our lives in fear...can we?



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