New Way to be Human

Nov. 18 2004, my Mom was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer. I started this blog to chronicle her journey. July 19, 2005 she gave her life in the battle. This blog is my place to process through the journey I walked along with her, and now my journey through grief. It's also a place to discuss the effects cancer has on the lives it touches--survivors and caregivers alike. I'm a Navy wife, a Mom, and my mother's daughter now and forever.

Monday, May 15, 2006

And Then....

And then there are the times that you don't know what the heck to do to help....

And you don't know if your help is really helping or hurting.

See... I don't know much afterall. I think my last post still has some helpful nuggets in it, but even with having gleaned those thoughts I'm at a loss at how to support my friends now... and I'm wondering if the things that I *have* done have really been a help.

I pray that they have.


  • At 9:10 PM, Blogger Val said…

    Thank you Melissa, for all of your sweet comments. I've been reading your blog as well, and my heart aches for you. Know that I am praying for you and will continue to do so.


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